to discuss anything
Published on January 27, 2004 By Dancez_With_Wolves In Blogging
I heard the footsteps again. You may think I'm crazy, but I really do hear them. It was at about 4AM and I thought kids were up.

It may freak some people out, but I'm ok with it. More curious than anything. If there is a spirit here, I'd like to know who it is.

There is a museum near by where you can go into archives to research your house, see when it was built exactly, maybe find out who owned it before us.

So one of these days, hubby and I will go there to see what we can find.
on Jan 27, 2004
I don't think I'd be calm about such a thing. I wonder who it is when someone gets up in the night. Do look into it, ghost stories are interesting as long as they are about other people's houses.
on Jan 27, 2004
Well, whatever or whoever it is, has never been anything but just a calm presence, letting me know they are here. I have talked to a few people and they have said that since I've only heard the footsteps on the stairs leading to the bedrooms , that maybe it's checking in on my children. And i thought i was imagining it all, until the light and the radio incident I mentioned in my other post. But I will be sure to keep everyone posted about anything else that happens.

My husband and I went to a museum today that holds archives re: old houses in our area. We didn't get to check it out since she told us that it could take hours to go through everything and we had our children with us. But she also mentioned that some volunteers have been going in to do research for the historical society, so they may already have all the info that we need. We are waiting for a call from them.
on Jan 27, 2004
I saw a ghost once. It was when my son passed away (at home) . I looked away from him for a second then looked back, and instead of seeing my son's face, I saw my grandfathers, for what seemed atleast 10 seconds. Then when I saw my son's face again, he was slightly smiling. Was something I will never forget.