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What Shall I do?
Published on January 25, 2004 By Dancez_With_Wolves In Blogging
Well here I sit, not sure of what to write, wondering if there is something I could be doing.

It's Sunday night, the kids are sleeping and my hubby is resting on the couch. Ben a long day, not sure if I'm tired, bored, or just don't know what to do with myself. Ever have a day like that?

Anyway, I tucked my kids into bed about an hour ago, hugged them and kissed them good night and told them how much I love them. My 3 yr old daughter hugged me and said : "I'm so proud of you, Mommy". I'm not sure why she's proud of me exactly, but it doesn't matter....... It made me smile just the same. Isn't it funny what kids come out with? Like they say, "out of the mouths of babes". And face it, children are sometimes way too honest, unless they are blaming their sibling for something they did

Just the other night, my daughter poked a friend of mine in the belly and said "doink!" the she added " you have a big belly and my daddy has a big belly, but my mommy doesn't" OH I was so embarassed! lol

And tonight at the dinner table at my inlaws, my 5 yr old son put his hand up to his forehead, his finger and thumb forming an "L" as he looked at his grampa and said "loser" sheesh! LOL

ah well........... not sure where they learn all this stuff, but I love them no matter what and will always be proud of them, even if some things they do are not exactly the right thing to do.

Well I guess I am going to bed to watch some TV, maybe just fall

Take care everyone and have a great night!

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